Business Architecture Summit

Archived Presentations | 2016

Keynote Speakers

Jamil Ghan: Morning Keynote | Target Corporation
Andy O’Brien: Afternoon Keynote | Medtronic

Track Descriptions and Breakout Sessions Foundations

The Agile Business Architecture

Business architecture plays a critical role in helping organizations respond rapidly to change at an ever-increasing velocity. The time horizon for adapting to change has shifted from months and years to days and weeks, and business architecture provides the understanding and insight to leaders and the organization that enables decision-making and execution. This track highlights agility and the necessary relationship with business architecture.
TCBAF SIG Report, Aileen Johnson and SIG Members
An Emergent Business Architecture for Agile IT, Charlie Betz
Surfing the Architecture Trends, Alex Randell
Optimizing Results within SAFe Using Business Architecture, Frank Fons

Strategy to Execution

The role Business Architects play with creating, illuminating, and executing organizational strategy is significant. This track focuses on methods and frameworks Business Architects use and can learn from in developing and leading strategy to drive results.
Connecting the Dots: Business Architecture to IT Nuts and Bolts, David Goiffon
Modular Business Design, Jeff Dreher
Service Design, Brad von Bank
Business Modeling 101 – The Business Model Canvas to Drive Capability Mapping, Columbus Brown

Business Architecture in Practice

This track focuses on case studies, methods and approaches, and practitioner stories that help us all learn and apply business architecture practices and enable innovation in our own organizations.
Linking Business Architecture and Business Analysis, Mary Auer
BIZBOK UML Standard Profile, Chris Armstrong
“We Have a Tool!!!”, Mary Sue Moore
Creating a Practice, Kristin Schroeder and Charleston Thomas