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Jobs Posting Review

March 15, 2011 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm CDT

Wanted: Job Posting!

Presented by: Cindy Dawson and Jen Swearingen 

This session will investigate the various job titles that people performing Business Architecture hold in their companies, the skills are being required on job postings and the type and level of experience prospective employers are looking for. This will be a highly interactive session and we need you to participate – Please send an example of your job description or company posting to cldawson@express-scripts.com & j.swearingen@express-scripts.com by February 28.


  • Networking
  • Introductions
  • Business Meeting
  • Brief Presentation
  • Roundtable Discussion

Download Presentation

Download Business_Architect_Responsibilities


March 15, 2011
11:00 am - 1:00 pm CDT
Event Category:


Express Scripts


6625 W. 78th Street (Express Scripts)
6625 W. 78th Street
Bloomington, MN 55439 United States
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